Tänään Kulttuuriuutisissa:
maanantai 22. maaliskuuta 2010
perjantai 12. maaliskuuta 2010
Vielä on jonkin verran lippuja näytöksiin P.D.C. Tanssikuu 2010! Vierailijat tämän vuoden laajentuneessa ohjelmistossa ovat Suomen Kansallisbaletista ja Helsinki Dance Companysta.
P.D.C.:n omissa upeissa ensi-illoissa ovat nimekkäät koreografit Jouka Valkama, Jorma Uotinen ja Russel Adamsson. Lisäksi ensi-iltoja nähdään Tanssikoulu Liisa Nojosen EK-luokkien tiistain tanssin ilotulituksessa mm. Marjo Kuuselalta. Ohjelmistossa on myös Alpo Aaltokosken syksyllä ensi-iltansa saanut One Day ja Anu Sistosen Virtaa Vastavirtaan.Liput: Pohjoisranta 11 (Kellotornirakennus, 1. krs) 28100 Pori. p. 040 18769161 tai info@poridancecompany.com
Kritiikkiä "Hardcore Humppa"
P.D.C. Tanssikuussa 2010 vierailee muun muassa Helsinki Dance Companyn Hardcore Humpan duetto (Mikko Lampinen ja Satu Rekola). Oheisesta linkistä pääset tutustumaan Kuorelahden vahvan teoksen saamaan kritiikkiin!
Kritiikkiä "Something Else"
P.D.C. Tanssikuussa vierailee myös Suomen Kansallisbaletti. Yksi heidän ohjelmanumeronsa on ote teoksesta Something Else. Kyseisen teoksen saamaan kritiikkiin pääset tutustumaan alla olevasta linkistä.
Minna Tervamaa something else tanssikuu pdc
perjantai 5. maaliskuuta 2010
P.D.C. contributes in many ways in the developement and promotion of dance culture on the west coast and annually employs many dancers and other professional persons, P.D.C. also functions as a dance education centre for young dancers. Over the years P.D.C. has been in collaboration with Pori Theatre, Pori Opera, Rakastajat Theatre, the National Ballet of Finland, TEAK, Art Acadamy of Turku, Kuninkaanhaka High school and many of our country`s professional dancers and international dance celebrities. The following choreographers have worked with the group: Jorma Uotinen, Tero Saarinen, Tommi Kitti, Marjo Kuusela, Liisa Risu, Markku Nenonen, Liisa Nojonen, Benny Bell, Julio E Rivera, Claud Paul Henry, Lynda Martha-Burkel, Pattie Obey, Frank Chaves, Hugo Fanari, Ray Tadio and Gus Giordano.
Professional group
P.D.C. has established its place among professional groups in our country and has won acclaim for its technique and artistic expression, eloquent leaps, precise pirouettes, simultaneousness and intensity are words that have been attached to the group. The groups repertoire has also recieved much international interest and acclaim. The group has toured and performed in many places abroad including Estonia, France, Holland, Germany, Sweden, USA and South Korea. P.D.C. has performed at the St. Petersburg international dance festival and the Aberdeen modern dance festival. The group won the European dance championship in Perpignan in 1990 and Liisa Nojonen won the international choreography competition and the golden jazz shoe in Chicago 1992 and state art prize for dance 2006.
Seven dancers form the heart of the group, additional dancers can be engaged, on a production basis as needed. The group has functioned with the help of grants and in the year 2000 was accepted for permanent support by Pori town.
The support association
Body in Motion
Body in Motion
Shout (Huuto), 2008/1984 chor. Jorma Uotinen, 45 min. Shout is a demanding and desolate portrait of a man alone in his room with his memories of a woman. Mikko Lampinen is the dancer in this austere work. The visual world of the stage is complemented by the masterful lighting work. Uotinen got his inspiration for this work from paintings by the Austrian artist Egon Schile.
Three face grace, 2009 chor. Jarkko Mandelin, 30 min.Three face grace has a magical hold and it is an abstract piece of dance work for three women and one man. Tense scenes inside the work are touching and human. The intensive music by Ketil Björnstad and David Darling together with movement paints contradictorily more beautiful world.
Välistäveto/ Draft from the border, 2009, chor. Marjo Kuusela, 25 min. Välistäveto is a dance between the border of reality and play. Music and movement are as a game board. But dancers are in earnest.
Three face grace, 2009 chor. Jarkko Mandelin, 30 min.Three face grace has a magical hold and it is an abstract piece of dance work for three women and one man. Tense scenes inside the work are touching and human. The intensive music by Ketil Björnstad and David Darling together with movement paints contradictorily more beautiful world.
Välistäveto/ Draft from the border, 2009, chor. Marjo Kuusela, 25 min. Välistäveto is a dance between the border of reality and play. Music and movement are as a game board. But dancers are in earnest.
The main emphasis in the P.D.C. repertoire is on contemporary dance production but works of highly acclaimed international jazzdance choreographers can be found in the repertoire. 2-3 premieres are shown annually. The strength of the group has always been a highly artistic level of dance and a versatile repertoire tailored to the needs of different occasions The repertoire consists of works from 5 to 50 mins. and works of different lengths can be put together.
P.D.C. Pori Dance Company
P.D.C. Pori Dance Company has established its position among Finnish professional dance groups over the last 20 years and has been applauded for its technique and strong expression. P.D.C. has toured different festivals in Europe, the USA and Asia. The group's choreographers have included Jorma Uotinen, Tero Saarinen, Marjo Kuusela, Jarkko Mandelin, Anu Sistonen, Pattie Obey, Alpo Aaltokoski (09) In the seson 2009 P.D.C. gives 5 first premieres.
The dance group was founded in 1989 and has functioned under it`s new name P.D.C. Pori Dance Company since 2001. (It was earlier known as the Dance Group Liisa Nojonen). The members of the arts committee, Liisa Nojonen, Jorma Uotinen, Kati Aalto and Leena Tulonen are responsible for programme planning and artistic level. The committee can be supplimented as neccessary.
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